[General] Spacetime-based Model of the Universe

John Macken john at macken.com
Mon Apr 6 13:09:42 PDT 2015

Now that Chandra has given permission to propose new ideas which can be experimentally supported, I feel as if I can freely state my position.  The following is very condensed position statement.  A less condensed version of my ideas is the previously referenced 17 page article which has just been published today.  The complete unabridged explanation is a 370 page book which is currently undergoing revision, but the older revision is available at http://onlyspacetime.com/


Position Statement

1)     The universe is only 4 dimensional spacetime.  All particles, fields and forces are made of the single building block that will be called “the spacetime field”.

2)     The spacetime field is a sea of small amplitude waves which modulate the distance between points by ± Planck length (Lp) and modulate the rate of time so that the difference between perfect clocks can equal ± Planck time (Tp). These “Planck amplitude” waves are primarily at Planck frequency but these effects occur at all frequencies below Planck frequency. 

3)     Spacetime has impedance of Zs = c3/G = 4.4x1035 kg/s.  The strain amplitude of the small amplitude waves has dimensionless strain amplitude of:  As = Lp/λ = Tpω where lambda bar (λ) is λ/2π.  This amplitude combined with the impedance of spacetime can be shown to generate the characteristics of zero point energy.  In particular, the energy density is equal to Planck energy density Up ≈ 10113 J/m3. This is the source of vacuum energy, virtual particle pairs, quantum foam, etc.

4)     All the mysteries of quantum mechanics (QM) can be explained and conceptually understood when particles, fields and forces are characterized as the result of these small amplitude waves in spacetime.  General relativity (GR) deals with the macroscopic properties of the universe.  However, even GR supports the QM model of the vacuum being proposed because the energy density of the vacuum can be calculated from the impedance of spacetime obtained from GR.

5)     The Planck amplitude waves in spacetime lack angular momentum and are a perfect superfluid. Superfluids have the property of isolating angular momentum into quantized units of angular momentum (rotating vortices). Fermions are just ½ ħ of angular momentum causing a quantized rotation in a small portion of the spacetime field.  

6)     An electron is a Planck amplitude wave in spacetime possessing ½ ħ of angular momentum.  The wavelength of this wave is equal to the electron’s Compton wavelength and the structure is a rotating spacetime dipole that is one Compton wavelength in circumference.  This wave-based model of an electron which is a “single loop” with radius equal to the electron’s reduced Compton wavelength λc = ħ/mc. This rotating structure can be mathematically analyzed.  For example, the structure corresponds to the electron’s energy, inertia, relativistic effects, forces and approximate angular momentum.  

7)     The model predicts that the spacetime field has boundary conditions (maximum amplitude and frequency) which makes the spacetime field a nonlinear medium for waves in spacetime. Gravity is the result of this nonlinear effect. Therefore gravitational effects scale with wave amplitude squared (to a first approximation). This prediction is confirmed because it generates the gravitational curvature of spacetime produced by fundamental particles and the gravitational force between two fundamental particles.    

8)     If the fine structure constant is supplied, then the model also gives the correct electrostatic force between two electrons at arbitrary separation. Furthermore, it predicts a unification of the gravitational force and the electrostatic force. This prediction is verified to the extent that the Coulomb law equation and Newtonian gravitational equation can both be generated from wave equations where the only difference is that the electrostatic force scales with wave amplitude not squared and the gravitational force is generated when wave amplitude is squared.  Higher order terms have been ignored, so it is possible that the equations of general relativity can be generated with further analysis. 

9)     If all fiends are also obtained from the QM properties of spacetime, then charge, electric fields and photons should all be quantifiable distortions of the spacetime field.  A new constant of nature is proposed which has units of meter/coulomb.  When this constant is used, the Coulomb force constant (1/4πεo) becomes Planck force c4/G. Also, the impedance of free space Zo ≈ 377 Ω becomes the impedance of spacetime Zs = c3/G.  This implies that photons propagate in the medium of the spacetime field, just like gravitational waves.  The spacetime field becomes the new aether.  The particle-like properties of photons are explained by photons possessing quantized angular momentum. Energy is not quantized; angular momentum is the source of all quantization. 

10) The Big Bang and the expansion of the universe can be explained as a transformation of the properties of the spacetime field.  


John M.


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