[General] Positions

Andrew Meulenberg mules333 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 7 04:58:01 PDT 2015

Dear Folks,

I am starting to organize things regarding the photonic electron for a
poster at the conference. In this regard I am shifting/copying this email
to the 'Positions' subject so that we will have a visible record of
individual positions in a lookup table.
at the present time we have 2 positions in March. I will be adding John
M.'s & Viv's to the April listing.

If anyone else has put their positions down under a different subject, I
request that they resubmit it with the subject 'Positions'. I will try to
help Rachel and Mary assemble a questionnaire that may elicit some more

Thank you,

_ _ _ _
On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 1:39 AM, John Macken <john at macken.com> wrote:

> Now that Chandra has given permission to propose new ideas which can be
> experimentally supported, I feel as if I can freely state my position.  The
> following is very condensed position statement.  A less condensed version
> of my ideas is the previously referenced 17 page article which has just
> been published today.  The complete unabridged explanation is a 370 page
> book which is currently undergoing revision, but the older revision is
> available at http://onlyspacetime.com/
> Position Statement
> 1)     The universe is only 4 dimensional spacetime.  All particles,
> fields and forces are made of the single building block that will be called
> “the spacetime field”.
> 2)     The spacetime field is a sea of small amplitude waves which
> modulate the distance between points by ± Planck length (*L*p) and
> modulate the rate of time so that the difference between perfect clocks can
> equal ± Planck time (*T*p). These “Planck amplitude” waves are primarily
> at Planck frequency but these effects occur at all frequencies below Planck
> frequency.
> 3)     Spacetime has impedance of Zs = c3/G = 4.4x1035 kg/s.  The strain
> amplitude of the small amplitude waves has dimensionless strain amplitude
> of:  *A*s = *L*p/*λ* = *T*p*ω* where lambda bar (*λ*) is *λ*/2π.  This
> amplitude combined with the impedance of spacetime can be shown to generate
> the characteristics of zero point energy.  In particular, the energy
> density is equal to Planck energy density *U*p ≈ 10113 J/m3. This is the
> source of vacuum energy, virtual particle pairs, quantum foam, etc.
> 4)     All the mysteries of quantum mechanics (QM) can be explained and
> conceptually understood when particles, fields and forces are characterized
> as the result of these small amplitude waves in spacetime.  General
> relativity (GR) deals with the macroscopic properties of the universe.
> However, even GR supports the QM model of the vacuum being proposed because
> the energy density of the vacuum can be calculated from the impedance of
> spacetime obtained from GR.
> 5)     The Planck amplitude waves in spacetime lack angular momentum and
> are a perfect superfluid. Superfluids have the property of isolating
> angular momentum into quantized units of angular momentum (rotating
> vortices). Fermions are just ½ *ħ* of angular momentum causing a
> quantized rotation in a small portion of the spacetime field.
> 6)     An electron is a Planck amplitude wave in spacetime possessing ½ ħ
> of angular momentum.  The wavelength of this wave is equal to the
> electron’s Compton wavelength and the structure is a rotating spacetime
> dipole that is one Compton wavelength in circumference.  This wave-based
> model of an electron which is a “single loop” with radius equal to the
> electron’s reduced Compton wavelength *λ*c = *ħ/mc*. This rotating
> structure can be mathematically analyzed.  For example, the structure
> corresponds to the electron’s energy, inertia, relativistic effects, forces
> and approximate angular momentum.
> 7)     The model predicts that the spacetime field has boundary
> conditions (maximum amplitude and frequency) which makes the spacetime
> field a nonlinear medium for waves in spacetime. Gravity is the result of
> this nonlinear effect. Therefore gravitational effects scale with wave
> amplitude squared (to a first approximation). This prediction is confirmed
> because it generates the gravitational curvature of spacetime produced by
> fundamental particles and the gravitational force between two fundamental
> particles.
> 8)     If the fine structure constant is supplied, then the model also
> gives the correct electrostatic force between two electrons at arbitrary
> separation. Furthermore, it predicts a unification of the gravitational
> force and the electrostatic force. This prediction is verified to the
> extent that the Coulomb law equation and Newtonian gravitational equation
> can both be generated from wave equations where the only difference is that
> the electrostatic force scales with wave amplitude not squared and the
> gravitational force is generated when wave amplitude is squared.  Higher
> order terms have been ignored, so it is possible that the equations of
> general relativity can be generated with further analysis.
> 9)     If all fiends are also obtained from the QM properties of
> spacetime, then charge, electric fields and photons should all be
> quantifiable distortions of the spacetime field.  A new constant of nature
> is proposed which has units of meter/coulomb.  When this constant is used,
> the Coulomb force constant (1/4πεo) becomes Planck force *c*4/*G*. Also,
> the impedance of free space *Z*o ≈ 377 Ω becomes the impedance of
> spacetime *Z*s = *c*3/*G*.  This implies that photons propagate in the
> medium of the spacetime field, just like gravitational waves.  The
> spacetime field becomes the new aether.  The particle-like properties of
> photons are explained by photons possessing quantized angular momentum.
> Energy is not quantized; angular momentum is the source of all
> quantization.
> 10) The Big Bang and the expansion of the universe can be explained as a
> transformation of the properties of the spacetime field.
>  John M.
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