[General] Role of observer, a deeper path to introspection

Dr Grahame Blackwell grahame at starweave.com
Mon Aug 7 09:16:58 PDT 2017

I agree also with Chip that it's an oversimplification to see single-photon self-interference as an interference phenomenon according to the classical wave description - in this respect I suppose I'm agreeing with Chandra's original point on this, too.

However, it seems pretty clear that different phases of the same wave ARE conflicting with each other - spatially, if not temporally - to result in failure of electron promotion (or enhancing each other, in the additive case, to increase the probability of that event).  To me it all makes perfect sense - if needing a little more explanation that the classical (simplistic) 'interference' subtraction or addition of waves.  That all helps us to understand both photons and electrons more fully, as I said before.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Chip Akins 
  To: 'Nature of Light and Particles - General Discussion' 
  Sent: Monday, August 07, 2017 3:04 PM
  Subject: Re: [General] Role of observer, a deeper path to introspection

  Hi John, and Chandra


  As John has pointed out, the electron behaves in the same manner as light in the double slit experiment.  This is one of the most convincing arguments for me, that light is also quantized.


  However I feel that calling this behavior "interference" in the classical wave sense, is an oversimplification of what is actually occurring in these experiments.


  It seems to me that these quantized, coherent, oscillatory energy packets produce fields, and that these fields in space, travel with the particle and pass through the apparatus and interact with the apparatus, in turn producing forces on the electron or photon, guiding its path.


  But for this to work in simulation, like it does in experiment, these fields propagate much faster than light, from the origin particle, into space.


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