[General] New views from new people?

Andrew Meulenberg mules333 at gmail.com
Sun May 3 04:55:45 PDT 2015

Dear folks,

Most of this group has some image of a 'twisted' photon as the basis of
electrons. A member of a different forum has done a serious study of
Randall MIlls hydrino structure that proposes the bound atomic (and
subatomic) electrons to be bound photons, but bound around a nucleus, not
themselves. This addresses some of the same issues that we have, but
obviously does not consider some aspects that we consider vital to the


   1.  Do we open up the group to yet another view, or
   2. do we suggest that he wait until after the conference and we have had
   a chance to solidify our already many different views into a (hopefully)
   more complete picture?
   3. Do we want to allow 'outsiders' access to our 'private' discussions
   on the topic?

Any votes and alternative plans are welcome. We have the ability to filter
emails that (I believe) will allow us to block individuals' emails by
subject(from the website( and by name (from our browsers), if we do not
have time to read the new ideas and discussion.

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