[General] positions

Andrew Meulenberg mules333 at gmail.com
Tue May 12 03:50:22 PDT 2015

Dear Richard,

I'm glad to see you describe the s orbital electrons as going thru the
nuclear region. From your description, I get the impression that:

   1. the whole charged photon has a *length that is shorter than the
   electron orbital*. Is this true? If so, I agree.
   2. the *trajectory is helical*. Does this mean that the center of mass
   (energy density) moves in a helical motion about (and offset from) the
   average orbit? Could you describe what is helical in your model? I may very
   well agree with this also.
   3. The orbital *path is linear* (but with variable direction). This is
   seldom expressed or taught. I agree in principle. The path is certainly
   more linear (oriented long ellipse) than circular (which is the shape most
   students seem to end up with, unless they accept the QM concept of a
   cloud). However, the uncertainty principle indicates that the ang mom L is
   not exactly zero, so the path could actually be circular (statistically,
   delta L *>* hbar/2 ?). Do the individual shapes belong to individual
   bound electrons (until disturbed) or do all bound electrons spend some time
   in the various shaped orbits to give a uniform distribution for all
   similarly bound electrons, when averaged over a lifetime of disturbances?
   4. The* variable deBroglie wavelength* is an aspect that few people
   address. I agree with it. However, have you been able to define what is
   'waving' with this wavelength? Is that the rotation of the helix? Would
   that imply a single rotation for the helix per orbit? Or would the number
   of helical turns per orbit be sqrt(511,000/13.6) or some other high number?
   If the high number, what is waving once per orbit?
   5. I agree with the energetics.
   6. We are *basically in agreement* with our models. However, I have not
   yet understood if you consider the electron to be your charged photon
   (which concept I could agree with) or if you picture a charged photon to be
   able to exist and propagate at the speed of light as a linear structure and
   can curl into an electron if exposed to an adequate *B*-field or *E*-field

Item 1 is important to me, because I picture the electron to be 1/2 of a
photon (perhaps a mm long) coiled about itself into a ball with radius of
1/2 the Compton radius (I used to think that it was the whole Compton
radius). The other 1/2 becomes a positron.

Item 2 is important to me because I picture the ang mom axis (the spin
axis) of an electron as precessing about its velocity vector to give the
'helical' motion. This precession is the result of relativity giving a
torque to the electron by increasing the effective mass (reducing the
radius) of the portion of the electron that otherwise would exceed the
velocity of light. The center of mass would follow an elliptical (perhaps
non-helical) path that could be distorted by the effective *B*-field
resulting from the electrons motion (*B* = d*E*/dt) about the nuclear
charge (the spin-orbit interaction?).

We seem to have nearly the same picture, but distinguished by a definition
that could be critical to its understanding. The neutron is not stable
outside of a nucleus. Is your charged photon stable outside of its electron

Tue, May 12, 2015 at 11:53 AM, Richard Gauthier <richgauthier at gmail.com>
Andrew and Martin,
  I think it would be a good challenge for anyone with a single-looped or
double-looped photon model of an electron to model their electron in the 1s
atomic state of hydrogen (where n=1, l=0, ml=0 and ms = + or - 1/2 hbar)
where the electron has zero hbar atomic angular momentum even though it has
internal electron spin 1/2 hbar. I model the electron here as oscillating
back and forth linearly through the center of the atom as a charged photon
with a helical trajectory of variable pitch and radius, with a total energy
of E=mc^2 -13.6 eV and a maximum kinetic energy when the helically
circulating charged photon passes the nucleus, generating a variable de
Broglie wavelength along its trajectory (because its longitudinal momentum
is changing as it oscillates in the atom) and making one complete de
Broglie path per oscillation. The most probable position of the charged
photon (the electron) to be detected is at 1 Bohr radius ao (as predicted
by QM for the hydrogen atom) because the charged photon obeys the
Schrodinger equation (in the non-relativistic approximation). If the 1s
electron (charged photon) absorbs an uncharged photon of energy 13.6 eV,
the hydrogen atom is ionized with the charged photon now having energy
E=mc^2 .
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