[General] Energy in Spacetime - Follow Up

John Macken john at macken.com
Thu May 28 00:28:02 PDT 2015

Hello Everyone,


It has been about 24 hours since I sent out the email titled “Energy in
Spacetime” and so far there has not been a single acknowledgment.  Even if
some people did not agree with the written explanation, I was at least
expected a comment on the two simulations.  These posts take some time and
effort.  Therefore, if my ideas are too much out of step with the rest of
the group, I would like to know.  


I actually have other videos which show de Broglie waves being formed by my
model of an electron.  These simulations contain is some surprises which
imply a new prediction.  The de Broglie wave simulation suggests that a
double slit experiment made with electrons should contain a slight
variation in the relative intensity of the interference fringes compared to
the pattern obtained in a double slit experiment using photons. This
difference is traceable to the fact that electrons have spin ½ ħ and a
region of concentrated energy.  Therefore electrons should produce a
slightly difference interference pattern compared to photons.  This
difference would be easily missed unless it was first predicted
theoretically then carefully measured experimentally.  If the predicted
effect is observed,  it would prove that my model is correct. 


On another subject, I would like to ask a question about whether a second
paper is required on the subject of the internal structure of an electron.
I joined the group in the middle of this discussion and I did get the
complete instructions on this point.  Therefore, besides the group
discussion, should a paper be prepared?  If so, what is the submission


John M.

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