[General] Grahame note on population

Hodge John jchodge at frontier.com
Sun Aug 21 11:46:16 PDT 2016

I echo your concern for humanity's future. I suggest Nature (or natural laws) has controlled the overpopulation problems of species and humanity. All we really need to do is determine nature's rules and follow them. Unfortunately society is currently deviating from nature's rules. The result has historically been catastrophic for humanity as noted by Malthus's catastrophe. Our self-control can avert such a catastrophe. Note the Chinese attempt was contrary to Nature's rules. The Chinese slowed the birth of healthy children and supported the growth of sick and infirm children.
A child born with a severe disability is a sink for resources that may be better spent on advancing humanity (healthy children). Ancient societies lacking technology let the disabled die. The Polynesians on their island had a socially accepted way to commit suicide so the island resources would not be over-taxed. I society doesn't accept nature's laws; Nature will kill that society (the weak certainly and many of the strong). Thus the current ongoing collapse of the US (and western society) will continue. Many of the characteristics of collapse of modern society have been present for several decades [pp. 209-216] Tainter,~J.~A., 1990. ``The Collapse of Complex Societies''. 
On a larger scale, humanitarianism harms society by other causes of failure. Humanitarianism induces a strong trend toward conformity (being Politically Correct). This is a need to maintain the status quo and to reject advances in science. Historically, societies that stop scientific advance loose wars to societies that bring scientific advances. 
<A HREF="http://intellectualarchive.com/?link=item&id=1093">Growth challenge of the United States</A>

This is a criteria and method/rules for developing advances in science:
<A HREF="http://intellectualarchive.com/?link=item&id=1757">STOE emergence</A>
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