[General] On photon momentum

ANDREW WORSLEY member at aworsley.fsnet.co.uk
Sat Jan 28 22:57:17 PST 2017

Hi All,


Ever wondered why, for phtons Lamda = h/p and for particles lamda =h/p, (where p is the relativiistic momentum for paticles) here is the derivation from first 


Go to Chapter 8

Hope this helps with your discussion


P.S. Nothing wrong with spreading a bit of common sense

Message Received: Jan 29 2017, 04:09 AM
From: "Hodge John" 
To: "Nature of Light and Particles - General Discussion" 
Subject: Re: [General] On photon momentum

I do. And it explains diffraction.Hodge 

On Saturday, January 28, 2017 7:12 PM, Dr Grahame Blackwell  wrote:

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.yiv6089736424MsoChpDefault {FONT-SIZE:10pt;}#yiv6089736424 DIV.yiv6089736424WordSection1 {}#yiv6089736424 OL {MARGIN-
BOTTOM:0in;}#yiv6089736424 UL {MARGIN-BOTTOM:0in;}Dear All,[Notably Chandra & Chip], I'm having a bit of a problem over this question of: 'How does a 
photon carry momentum'? (or similar words.)It seems to me that in order to even beginning to address this question, one needs a clear definition of 'momentum' 
that's applicable to the momentum carried by a photon.I may be looking in the wrong places (if so please advise), but the only definitions of momentum that I can 
find either refer to 'mass' or refer to some other phenomenon which in turn refers to momentum - i.e. circular references.If I'm going to figure, or be persuaded, 
how a photon carries momentum I first need to know what momentum IS in respect of a photon (yes, I know it's E/c, that's a measure it's not a definition).Of 
course I'm aware of the paper "Light is heavy", but I don't feel it's appropriate just to extract from that some sort of mass-equivalence of a photon.  If we do, we 
get the result that 'm'=E/c^2, so 'm'c = E/c - gives the right result, but appears to be some sort of convoluted self-confirmation (i.e. a circular argument dressed up 
in fancy clothes).  It certainly doesn't DEFINE a photon's momentum, just evaluates it. Does anyone have a convincing definition of momentum that's applicable 
to a photon?  One that can be used as a firm basis for theorising?(I'd be glad if colleagues didn't use this as an excuse to yet again present their own personal 
theory/model - I'm looking for a definition that would be agreed by all, or at least most, physicists.) Thanks in anticipation,Grahame
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