[General] mass and charge as separate entities

Hodge John jchodge at frontier.com
Sat Jun 10 20:35:50 PDT 2017


    On Saturday, June 10, 2017 10:47 PM, Wolfgang Baer <wolf at nascentinc.com> wrote:

  Hodge: I'm attaching a paper that explains what I'm pursuing in trying to construct a physics that includes the subjective It identifies mass and charge separation as the physical correlate of consciousness I'm working hard on how this works, it includes time sequence the universe pulls on receiving mass which pulls on charge separating it into plus and minus charge then pulls on charge which in turn pulls on mass. By treating charge and mass as separate degrees of freedom I think I can show that the interior of matter can be an accommodating structure to the outside forces which then acts like a reality model in a cognitive being. its work in progress Wolf
  Dr. Wolfgang Baer
Research Director
Nascent Systems Inc.
tel/fax 831-659-3120/0432
E-mail wolf at NascentInc.com On 6/1/2017 2:19 PM, Hodge John wrote:
  I've been thinking of the nature of charge for my model. The idea of another, fundamental entity in the universe didn't occur. Do you have a paper or reference on this. EM travels at c suggests a link between photons and EM. Are these entities components of the photon? Are photons components of the electron and positron? Are there 2 charge entities? "mass" is the gravity causing entity? So, charge entity not cause gravitation change or influence inertia? (I can accept the latter) How does charge entity influence Stern-Gerlach and polarization. Hodge 
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