[General] Foundational questions Tension field stable particles

Wolfgang Baer wolf at nascentinc.com
Thu Feb 22 20:04:33 PST 2018


Your two oil drop experiment is a terrific idea. Two identical currents 
(charges)  moving in parallel  attract

and all we have to do is have one of the astronauts do a Millican oil 
drop experiment in the space lab ,

but the we are moving at some 500km/sec through space that should be 
enough to overcome Coulomb repulsion- my guess is we would see nothing

But why?


Dr. Wolfgang Baer
Research Director
Nascent Systems Inc.
tel/fax 831-659-3120/0432
E-mail wolf at NascentInc.com

On 2/22/2018 1:06 PM, Chip Akins wrote:
> Hi Andre
> Yes.  Exactly.  Electrons have magnetic fields which are caused by 
> their spin. This also causes the electron magnetic moment.  But since 
> the magnetic field falls off with distance much faster than the 
> electric field, we sense the electric field for “stationary” electrons 
> much more than the magnetic fields. But at close distances these 
> fields have more force than the charge field.
> Chip
> *From:*General 
> [mailto:general-bounces+chipakins=gmail.com at lists.natureoflightandparticles.org] 
> *On Behalf Of *André Michaud
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 22, 2018 2:45 PM
> *To:* general at lists.natureoflightandparticles.org
> *Subject:* Re: [General] Foundational questions Tension field stable 
> particles
> To all.
> Just to ask a question.
> Nobody seems to be considering the "spin" of electron, nor associating 
> it to the magnetic field.
> How could two electrons unite in covalent bound by antiparallel spin 
> alignment to so easily form hydrogen molecules despite their identical 
> electric charges that repell each other as a function of the inverse 
> square Coulomb force, if their spin was not related to really existing 
> magnetic fields that could associate in antiparallel spin alignment as 
> a function of the inverse cube interaction law that was verified in 
> the Kottler et al experiment?
>   ---
> André Michaud
> GSJournal admin
> http://www.gsjournal.net/
> http://www.srpinc.org/
> On Thu, 22 Feb 2018 20:02:11 +0000, "Roychoudhuri, Chandra" wrote:
> Albrecht: Your point is well taken. Not being expert in magnetism, I 
> need to spend more time on this issue.
> However, let me pose a question to think.
> If two electrons are trapped in two side by side but separate Millikan 
> oil drops, the two electrons feel each other’s static E-field, but no 
> magnetic field. If the oil-drop chamber was given a steady velocity, 
> could Millikan have measured the presence of a magnetic field due to 
> the moving electrons (“current”), which would have been dying out as 
> the chamber moved further away? This experiment can be conceived in 
> many different ways and can be executed. Hence, this is not a pure 
> “Gedanken” experiment. I am sure, some equivalent experiment has been 
> done by somebody. Send me the reference, if you can find one.
> Are two parallel current carrying conductors deflecting magnetic 
> needles (undergraduate experiment) different from two independent 
> electrons moving parallel to each other?
> I have just re-phrased Einstein’s example that you have given below.
> Sincerely,
> Chandra.
> *From:*General 
> [mailto:general-bounces+chandra.roychoudhuri=uconn.edu at lists.natureoflightandparticles.org] 
> *On Behalf Of *Albrecht Giese
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 22, 2018 2:26 PM
> *To:* general at lists.natureoflightandparticles.org 
> <mailto:general at lists.natureoflightandparticles.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [General] Foundational questions Tension field stable 
> particles
> Chandra,
> I like very much what you have written here. Particularly what you say 
> about "time" which physically means oscillations. That is what one 
> should keep in mind when thinking about relativity.
> However in one point I have to object. That is your judgement of the 
> parameter µ. I think that it is a result from the historical fact that 
> magnetism was detected long time earlier than electricity. So 
> magnetism plays a great role in our view of physics which does not 
> reflect its role there. We know since about 100 years that magnetism 
> is not a primary phenomenon but an apparent effect, a side effect of 
> the electric field which is caused by the finiteness of c. If c would 
> be infinite there would not be any magnetism. This is given by the 
> equation c^2 = (1/ϵµ)which you have mentioned. This equation should be 
> better written as µ = (1/c^2 ϵ)to reflect this physical fact, the 
> dependency of the magnetism on c.
> The symmetry between electricity and magnetism is suggested by 
> Maxwell's equation. These equations are mathematically very elegant 
> and well usable in practice. But they do not reflect the physical 
> reality. Easiest visible is the fact that we have electrical monopoles 
> but no magnetic monopoles. Einstein has described this fact by saying: 
> Whenever an observer is in a magnetic field, he can find a motion 
> state so that the magnetic field disappears. - This is as we know not 
> possible for an electric field.
> I think that we have discussed this earlier. Do you remember?
> Albrecht
> Am 21.02.2018 um 00:00 schrieb Roychoudhuri, Chandra:
>     /“We nee//d a geometry in which both space and time are curved
>     back on themselves to provide a donut in which the forces Fem,
>     Fgi, Fcm,Fmc are self contained eigen states at each action quanta. /
>     /Does any of this suggest a tension field you might be thinking
>     about??”/
>     Yes, Wolf, we need to model mathematically the “twists and turns”
>     of different intrinsic potential gradients embedded in CTF
>     (Complex Tension Field) to create stationary self-looped
>     oscillations (*/field-particles/*). Maxwell achieved that for the
>     propagating linear excitations using his brilliant observations of
>     using the double differentiation – giving us the EM wave equation.
>     We need to find non-propagating (stationary – Newton’s first law)
>     self-looped oscillations – the in-phase ones will be stable,
>     others will “break apart” with different life-times depending upon
>     how far they are from the in-phase closed-loop conditions. The
>     successes of the mathematical oscillatory dynamic model could be
>     judged by the number of predicted properties the theory can find
>     for the */field-particles,/* which we have measured so far. The
>     physical CTF must remain stationary holding 100% of the cosmic
>     energy.
>     However, I would not attempt to keep the primacy of Relativity by
>     trying to keep the Space-Time 4-D concept intact. If we want to
>     capture the ontological reality; we must imagine and visualize the
>     potential */foundational/* physical process and represent that
>     with a set of algebraic symbols and call them the primary
>     parameters of “different grades”. During constructing mathematical
>     theories, it is of prime importance to introduce consciously this
>     concept of “primary”, vs. “secondary”, vs. “tertiary”, etc.,
>     physical parameters related to any observable physical phenomenon.
>     The physical parameter that dictates the core existence of an
>     entity in nature should be considered as primary. However, it is
>     not going to be easy because of the complexities in the different
>     interaction processes – different parameters take key role in
>     transferring the energy in different interactions. Besides, our
>     ignorance is still significantly broad compared to the “validated”
>     knowledge we have gathered about our universe. Here is a glaring
>     example. νλ = c = (1/ϵµ). If I am doing atomic physics, ν is of
>     primary importance because of the quantum resonance with ν and the
>     QM energy exchange rule is “hν”. “λ” changes from medium to
>     medium. If I am doing Astrophysics, ϵ and µ for free space, are of
>     primary significance; even though people tend to use “c”, while
>     missing out the fundamental roles of ϵ and µ as some of the core
>     building blocks of the universe. Funny thing is that the ϵ and µ
>     of free space were recognized well before Maxwell synthesized
>     Electromagnetism.
>     With this background, I want underscore that the “running time,
>     “t” is of critical importance in our formulation of the dynamic
>     universe. And, yet “t’ is not a directly measurable physical
>     parameter of any object in this universe. What we measure is
>     really the frequency, or its inverse, the oscillation periods of
>     different physical oscillators in this universe. So, frequency can
>     be dilated or contracted by controlling the ambient physical
>     parameter of the environment that surrounds and INFLUENCES the
>     oscillator. The running time cannot be dilated or contracted; even
>     though Minkowsky introduced this “dilation” concept. This is the
>     reason why I have been pushing for the introduction in physics
>     thinking the Interaction Process Mapping Epistemology (IPM-E).
>     Chandra.
>     *From:*General
>     [mailto:general-bounces+chandra.roychoudhuri=uconn.edu at lists.natureoflightandparticles.org]*On
>     Behalf Of *Wolfgang Baer
>     *Sent:* Monday, February 19, 2018 10:56 PM
>     *To:* general at lists.natureoflightandparticles.org
>     <mailto:general at lists.natureoflightandparticles.org>
>     *Subject:* Re: [General] Foundational questions Tension field
>     stable particles
>     Candra:
>     Let’s consider your tension filed is a medium underlying the
>     experience of space composed of charge and mass density spread out
>     in the cross-section of a time loop.. Coordinate frame cells of
>     /small enough/ sizes can be described by constant enough mass and
>     charge densities in each cell. For small enough cells the mass and
>     charge values concentrated at their centers may be used in stead
>     of the densities. The resulting field of center values can take
>     any pattern that satisfies the extended dAlambert principle.
>     Besides the classic electro-magnetic Fem and gravito-inertial
>     force Fgi I postulate forces tat hold charge and mass together
>     Fcm, Fmc. This condition assures mass charge centers in each cell
>     appear at locations of balanced forces. Each pattern which
>     satisfies this condition represents a static state of the loop in
>     which the patterns are fixed for the lifetime of the loop.
>     *The Charge-Mass Separation Vector and Equilibrium States*
>     The physical size of the space is its volume. The volume (Vol) of
>     space is the sum of the infinitesimal volumes dVol of each of the
>     cells composing that space “Vol = ∫_all space dVol”. These
>     infinitesimal volumes are calculated from the mass-charge density
>     extensions in each cell when viewed externally as shown in figure
>     4.3-3a . The physical volume depends upon the mass charge
>     separation pattern of the equilibrium state the system being
>     modeled exists in.
>     In CAT the extension of a cell can be calculated as follows. In
>     each cell the distance between the center of charge and mass is a
>     vector d*ζ.* The projection of this vector onto the degrees of
>     freedom directions available for the charge and mass to move in
>     the generalized coordinate space allows us to expansion this
>     vector as,
>     Eq. 4.3-1 *dζ =* dζ_t *∙u_t * + dζ_x *∙u_x *+ dζ_y *∙u_y *+ dζ_z
>     *∙u_z +…* dζ_f *∙u_f +…,*
>     where the *u_f *’s are the unit vectors. A space limited to
>     Cartesian 3-space is characterized by three x,y,z directions, but
>     CAT models a generalized space that encompasses all sensor
>     modalities not only the optical ones.
>     The volume of a cell calculated from the diagonal expansion vector
>     “*dζ”* by multiplying all non zero coefficients,
>     Eq. 4.3-2 dVol = dζ_t *∙*dζ_x *∙*dζ_y *∙*dζ_z *∙…∙*dζ_f *∙… .*
>     The shape of this volume is determined by the direction of the
>     expansion vector which in turn is determined by the direction and
>     strength of forces pulling the charge and mass apart. The
>     direction of pull depends upon the number of dimensions available
>     in the generalized coordinates of the media. The forces must be in
>     equilibrium but exact equilibrium pattern depends upon which
>     global loop equilibrium state “Ζ” the event being modeled is in.
>     In the simplest equilibrium state the masses and charges are
>     collocated. This implies the internal forward propagating in time
>     forces F_cm ,F_mc , and backward propagating in time force F_mc
>     *,F_cm * are zero, and if there are no internal force pulling the
>     charges and masses together then sum of the remaining exterior
>     gravito-electric forces pulling the charge and mass apart must
>     separately be zero precisely at the collocation point. A trivial
>     condition that satisfies these equations is when all forces are
>     zero. In this case there is no action in the media and no action
>     for expanding the coordinate frame defining a volume of space. We
>     are back to a formless blob of zero volume, where all charges and
>     masses are at the same point. This is the absolute ground state of
>     material, one level of something above nothing. The big bang
>     before the energy of action flow is added.
>     To exemplify the methods we consider an equilibrium state of a
>     single isolated cell whose only degree of freedom is the time
>     direction. This means the volume in all space directions are
>     infinitesimally small and the volume can be considered a single
>     line of extension “ΔVol = ΔT_w = ∫dζ_t “ along the time direction
>     as shown in the god’s eye perspective of figure 4.3-6. In this
>     situation we can consider charges and masses to be point
>     particles. Forces as well as action can only propagate along the
>     material length of the line time line represented in space as
>     “Qw”. We now list the sequence of changes that can propagate
>     through around the equilibrium positions indicated by numbers in
>     parenthesis.
>     (1)The upper charge is pushed from its equilibrium position
>     (filled icon) forward along the time line
>     (2)It exerts a force “Fem” on the left charge pushing it forward
>     while feeling a reaction force “Fem*” that retards it back to its
>     equilibrium position
>     (3)While the left charge is moved from equilibrium it exerts an
>     internal “Fcm” force on the bottom mass while feeling a reaction
>     force “Fcm*” which returns it to equilibrium.
>     (4)While the bottom mass is moved from equilibrium it exerts a
>     force “Fgi” on the right mass while feeling a reaction force
>     “Fgi*” which returns it to equilibrium.
>     (5)While the right mass is moved from equilibrium it exerts a
>     force “Fmc” on the upper charge while feeling a reaction force
>     “Fmc*” which returns it to equilibrium. We are now back to (1).
>     If the system is isolated there is no dissipation into other
>     degrees of freedom and the oscillation continues to move as a
>     compression wave around the “Qw” time line circumference forever.
>     The graph however is static and shows a fixed amount of action
>     indicated by the shaded arrows around the time line. Motion in
>     “block” models is produced by the velocity of the observer or
>     model operator as he moves around the time line. From our god’s
>     eye perspective an action density is permanently painted on the
>     clock dial and thereby describes an total event. The last degree
>     of freedom events are rather trivial
>     We need a geometry in which both space and time are curved back on
>     themselves to provide a donut in which the forces Fem, Fgi,
>     Fcm,Fmc are self contained eigen states at each action quanta.
>     Does any of this suggest a tension field you might be thinking about??
>     Dr. Wolfgang Baer
>     Research Director
>     Nascent Systems Inc.
>     tel/fax 831-659-3120/0432
>     E-mailwolf at NascentInc.com <mailto:wolf at NascentInc.com>
>     On 1/24/2018 7:20 PM, Roychoudhuri, Chandra wrote:
>         1. Yes, I have submitted an essay. FQXi has not sent the
>         approval link yet.
>         2. Replacement of our SPIE conf. Without a supporting
>         infrastructure to replace SPIE-like support, it is very
>         difficult to manage. I will try NSF during the last week of
>         May. Do you want to start negotiating with some out-of-box
>         European groups?
>         3. Re-starting afresh from the bottom up is the only way to
>         start re-building a unified field theory. It is futile to
>         force-fit whole bunch of different theories that were
>         structured differently at different states of human cultural
>         epoch.
>         Sent from my iPhone
>         On Jan 24, 2018, at 6:08 PM, Wolfgang Baer
>         <wolf at nascentinc.com <mailto:wolf at nascentinc.com>> wrote:
>             Chandra:
>             Just rereading your 2015 paper "Urgency of evolution..."
>             I love the sentiment " This is a good time to start
>             iteratively re-evaluating and restructuring all the
>             foundational postulates behind all the working theories"
>             Did you write a paper for FQXi?
>             I sent one in https://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/3043
>             Is there any chance to get a replacement for the SPIE
>             conference, one that would expand the questions
>             beyond the nature of light?
>             Wolf
>             -- 
>             Dr. Wolfgang Baer
>             Research Director
>             Nascent Systems Inc.
>             tel/fax 831-659-3120/0432
>             E-mailwolf at NascentInc.com <mailto:wolf at NascentInc.com>
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