[General] Strong Force Modeling

davidmathes8 at yahoo.com davidmathes8 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 19 11:20:06 PDT 2015

While the current research focus is on getting photonic-based electron theory correct, an obvious goal would be to extend a building-block theory to all elementary particles, both simple (electron) and complex (proton, neutron, meson, etc)
To that end, one needs to address and parse some seemingly "what is it?" moments. Is it a particle or a wave? Is it mass or energy? Is it moving or not? Is there a reference frame dependency?
As to relativistic contraction, the general physics assumption is that charge is invariant especially in flat space. So, the charge to mass ratio for various particles is rather fixed. This leads me to a question everyone has been walking around...
If mass = E/c^2, and we convert mass completely to energy - say a photon, then where did all the charge go?

      From: Dr. Albrecht Giese <genmail at a-giese.de>
 To: davidmathes8 at yahoo.com; Nature of Light and Particles - General Discussion <general at lists.natureoflightandparticles.org> 
 Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 8:29 AM
 Subject: Re: Strong Force Modeling
 you have given here some criteria or properties which have to be fulfilled by a particle model. I shall try to answer this by listing some points which make up my model following your topics.
 The particle model which I propose is not restricted to the electron but is assumed to be valid for all leptons and as well for all quarks.
 To your challenges:
 In this model a charge is an elementary entity, a kind of an "atom" in the real sense which causes a force onto a similar object. There a two kinds of charges in the model: the electric one and the strong one. The weak one is in fact the strong one but with a reduced coupling constant, caused by a different shape of the configurations  having these charges. - Maybe that in the future development of particle physics we will find a more fundamental cause of charges. At present I do not see any, and in the present situation it seems not to be an urgent question.
 The case of 8 gluons: We know that elementary particles react with certain others, but not with all. Particle physicists have made an ad-hoc assumption to "explain", or better to order this situation by assigning further quantum numbers to elementary particles, like isospin, strangeness, lepton number, quark number. The colour of gluons seems to be a similar category. These are in my case further properties of the "basic" particles, which are not described by the model as they do not influence the properties of the particles which I presently care about, like the inertial mass and momentum, which is explained by this model, as well as the conservation of energy, which is also explained (not only used!) by this model.
 Leptoquarks have been an ad-hoc assumption to explain interactions between leptons and quarks. This assumption was not successful and is in fact not needed if the assumption of my model, that leptons are also subject to the strong force, is accepted. 
 From this model follows gravitation as I have explained earlier. The exchange particles interact with light-like particles (photons and "basic" particles) and cause them to reduce their speed below c. From this all aspects of gravitation can be quantitatively deduced, Newton' gravity as well the results of Einstein's GRT.
 Inertia is the direct consequence of this model. An elementary particle is, according to this model, extended, and any extended object has inevitably an inertial behaviour. I have shown (and show it in my web site) that with reference to this mechanism the mass of the electron can be determined with an accuracy of almost 1 : 1 million. 
 I am using exchange particles as mediators for the forces in a particle, which are the electric force and the strong force. The main advantage for the use in my model is that they provide a good physical explanation for the relativistic contraction.
 Best regards
 Am 16.10.2015 um 17:41 schrieb davidmathes8 at yahoo.com:

  If the electron modeling is to succeed and gain wide acceptance, then the modeling needs to become a foundation that can be built on to develop other Elementary Particles. While photonic electron theories may be that foundation, there are three challenges. First, explaining charge and the source of charge. Second, modeling the eight gluons - one would usually be enough, but eight...? Third, modeling the transitory nature of quarks and leptoquarks. 
  Modeling the electron to satisfy the leptoquark theory may involve force-bound states. If so, then in order for a lepton-quark interaction, given the E&M nature of the electron or even electroweak, no matter how transiently a leptoquark may require an electron with the addition of the strong nuclear force. Modeling a fully loaded electron with E&M, weak and strong forces may prove challenging. However, this path may lead towards explaining gravitation and inertia. 
  For the experts in electron modeling, perhaps the key to unlocking what's inside elementary is gluons. Glueballs (gluonium) may be worth the effort of modeling.  
  Article Meson f0(1710) could be so-called “glueball” particle made purely of nuclear force
  "Elementary particles come in two kinds: those that carry force (bosons), such as photons, and those that make up matter (fermions), such as electrons. In this context, gluons may be viewed as more complex forms of the photon. However, as photons are the force carriers for electromagnetism, gluons exhibit a similar role for the strong nuclear force. The major difference between the two, however, is that gluons are able to be influenced by their own forces, whereas photons are not. As a result, photons cannot exist in force-bound states, though gluons, which are attracted by force to each other, make a particle of pure (strong) nuclear force possible." 
  Arxiv  [1504.05815] Nonchiral enhancement of scalar glueball decay in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model 
  Arxiv [1501.07906] Glueball Decay Rates in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto Model 
  Glueball - Wiki 
  Leptoquark - Wiki  

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