[General] HA: Gravity

Dr Grahame Blackwell grahame at starweave.com
Sun May 7 14:38:29 PDT 2017


Thanks for your response.
I agree that:
(a) Equations match corresponding values, they do not necessarily imply causation;
(b) As I indicate in my starred footnote (previous email), my broader view of reality includes the possibility of some form of time-independent 'higher causation' - which in turn posits a 'time-independent' higher reality; from that higher perspective it is my view, as you suggest, that we (i.e. our consciousness[es - but actually all one]) traverse the totality of atemporal reality in a way that gives us a sensation of 'time' * - however it shouldn't be taken from this that this atemporal reality is set in stone, I believe that it is fluid, changeable, in a sense that's beyond our comprehension (at present), responding to the collective input of all consciousness.  If we are to rise above the train-tracks that conventional science is currently stuck in and move our thinking forward, we must be prepared - once again, as Hertz did - to accept the possibility that there are aspects of reality beyond our perception and actively seek out those aspects: only then will we overcome limitations that we have imposed on ourselves by our limited world-view.

* Note that this implies that what we see as 'the speed of light' is, rather, the 'rate' at which consciousness traverses this atemporal electromagnetic 'space-time matrix' that we refer to as the cosmos [which itself is another example of limited thinking].  That 'rate of traversal' itself raises various rather interesting considerations.

Best regards,

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Wolfgang Baer 
  To: Nature of Light and Particles - General Discussion 
  Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2017 9:46 PM
  Subject: Re: [General] HA: Gravity


  My computer did some funny things and just found your response and paper, will read and comment, sounds interesting.

  regarding your comments:

  To Grahame: We are so used to causality and computer symbols that we write m*a = F and think F causes acceleration. But mathematical equations express a condition. The dAlambert principle expresses Newtons law as  0= F - ma or 0 = F + Fa ,  This should be read as the condition not a causal equation. Physical material  can only happen where all forces are zero. No causality. Therefore simply a structural condition on possible configurations of a Block Universe. In that sense everything already exists we just become aware of the part we call Now as we move through it.

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