[General] (no subject)

Hodge John jchodge at frontier.com
Mon Oct 16 16:23:47 PDT 2017

John M.I agree with you comments about the "Tension field".I add a concern about the use of the word "wave". Does this imply a wave is a solution to the wave equation. Is so, the model that space (ether) supports a wave must include the idea that space has  inertia. Remember the "gravitational wave" is modeled as the gravitational potential caused by the rotating masses and not by any wave action of space. The STOE model posits space to obey the heat equation. Thus the space potential (density) exerts a \nabla type force on the surface of matter. The single photon diffraction and interference experiments reject wave models of light and include space with inertia. "stiff" space is not enough, space exerts force on matter and matter depresses the space potential to produce gravity observations. The single photon experiments are real, valid experiments. Models must be consistent and explain the experiments.

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