[General] Can cyclic-photon electrons better describe superconductivity?

DataPacRat datapacrat at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 20:04:16 PDT 2019

I'm still reading up on several peoples' approaches to electrons being
made of cycling photons, but the lack of consistent terms between the
different authours is making it hard for me to Google for further
elaborations. For example, has any modelling been done on how
electrons of this sort behave while superconducting? That is, does
this model offer any testable predictions beyond that of the
classical, single-point particle model of an electron?

(PS: I've been asked to share my real name on this list. It's Daniel
Eliot Boese, though I've been using DataPacRat since '01, and it's my
preferred nom-de-net.)

Thank you for your time,
Dan Boese, aka DataPacRat
"Does aₘᵢₙ=2c²/Θ ? I don't know, but wouldn't it be fascinating if it were?"

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