[General] HA: (no subject)

Burinskii A.Ya. bur at ibrae.ac.ru
Wed Jun 21 07:35:56 PDT 2017

Dear Hodge and all.

I present here my recent essay, which was selected for Honorable Mention by Gravity Research Foundationin for this year, but was not allowed for arXiv by moderators, because it shows giant error of the leading modern theories about weakness of gravity.
I hope, this essay will answer your question.

Yours, Alexander
От: Hodge John [jchodge at frontier.com]
Отправлено: 21 июня 2017 г. 16:45
Кому: Nature of Light and Particles - General Discussion
Тема: [General] (no subject)

Albrecht, Wolf
I have been following these discussions. I am NOT trying to agree with mainstream physics. I am trying to understand the universe more than mainstream physics allows. (understand means predict the observations or at least explain them)
There is a fundamental disagreement between mainstream physics of the BIG (General Relativity) and the small (quantum world). What model is consistent with both?
I see these discussions are reducing to what someone said rather than real experiments.

any comment on changing one or the other to get to a TOE.

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